Newark NJ police recently arrested a local man who was allegedly in possession of a handgun without a valid permit.
The suspect is a 38-year-old resident of Newark, New Jersey. He was arrested around 3:00 a.m. after Newark NJ cops responded to a report of gunshots being fired on a city street. Police officers were dispatched to North 6th Street in Newark and reportedly found the suspect in the area and carrying a handgun.
Fortunately, nobody was injured during the reported shooting incident.
Although Newark detectives were not able to connect the suspect to the alleged shooting, they did place him under arrest and charge him with unlawful possession of a weapon.
Newark Public Safety Director Anthony Ambrose later issued a statement about the arrest and said that the suspect did not have a valid carry permit for the firearm.
Depending on the outcome of an active and ongoing investigation into the shooting, it is possible that the suspect could face additional charges for aggravated assault.
For the time being, the suspect has only been charged with the weapons offense for unlawful possession of a weapon. This is a very serious criminal offense that could carry mandatory prison time, as set forth by the NJ Graves Act.
For additional information about this case, check out the article, “Newark Man Arrested on Gun Possession Charge.”