Cedar Grove New Jersey DWI Penalties
With offices in Newark, New Jersey
The penalties for a DWI violation in New Jersey are significant. Even first-time offenders are subject to jail time and driver’s license suspension. It is very important that you take DWI / DUI charges very seriously because you can bet that the prosecutor in your case will be taking the charges seriously. Your first step should be to contact an experienced drunk driving defense attorney who has a good understanding of NJ DWI law.
The DWI defense attorneys at the Tormey Law Firm have the experience and the expertise needed to beat your DWI charges. We have represented countless clients accused of Driving While Intoxicated in Newark, Orange, and everywhere else in Essex County. Our experience in this area of law is matched only by our impressive credentials: our DWI defense team includes a former DWI prosecutor, a certified Alcotest 7110 operator, and a certified field sobriety test instructor. We know how to attack the evidence and win your drunk driving case.
Call the Tormey Law Firm
Call 201-654-3464 today to begin the process of challenging the evidence in your case and fighting your DWI charges.
DWI Penalties in Essex County: First Offense
The legal limit in New Jersey is .08 percent blood alcohol concentration (BAC). Anyone who operates a motor vehicle with a BAC greater than .08 percent, even a first-time offender, is subject to significant penalties.
.08 percent to .10 percent BAC:
- Jail: Up to 30 days
- Driver’s License Suspension: Until interlock device installed
- Fine: $250–$400
- Ignition Interlock Device: 3 months
- Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) Surcharges: $1,000/year for 3 years
- Other Monetary Penalties: Payments and fees totaling more than $500
- Alcohol Education Classes: 12–48 hours at the county Intoxicated Driver Resource Center (IDRC)
BAC above .10 percent but less than .15 percent:
- Jail: Up to 30 days
- Driver’s License Suspension: Until Interlock device installed
- Ignition Interlock Device: 7 months to up to 1 year
- Fine: $300–$500
- MVC Surcharges: $1,000/year for 3 years
- Other Monetary Penalties: Payments and fees totaling more than $500
- Alcohol Education Classes: 12–48 hours at a regional IDRC
BAC above 15 percent:
- Jail: Up to 30 days
- Driver’s License Suspension: 4-6 months
- Ignition Interlock Device: 9 to 15 months
- Fine: $300–$500
- MVC Surcharge: $1,000/year for 3 years
- Alcohol Education Classes: 12–48 hours at the IDRC
DWI Penalties in Essex County: Second Offense
The penalties for a second DWI offense are significantly enhanced. Most importantly, a conviction for second offense DWI will result in mandatory jail time.
.08 percent BAC and above:
- Jail: 2–90 days
- Driver’s License Suspension: 1-2 years
- Ignition Interlock Device: Mandatory installation during license suspension and for 2-4 years following license restoration
- Fine: $500–$1,000
- MVC Surcharges: $1,000/year for 3 years
- Other Monetary Penalties: Payments and fees totaling more than $600
- Community Service: 30 days
- Alcohol Education Classes: 12–48 hours at a regional IDRC
DWI in Penalties in Essex County: Third or Subsequent Offense
If you commit a third DWI offense within 10 years of your second offense, you face enhanced penalties, including a mandatory sentence of six months in jail. You will also lose your driving privileges in the State of New Jersey for at least 8 years.
.08 percent BAC and above:
- Jail: 180 days
- Driver’s License Suspension: 8 years
- Ignition Interlock Device: Installation on all vehicles during license suspension and for 2-4 years after license restoration
- Fine: $1,000
- MVC Surcharges: $1,500/year for 3 years
- Other Monetary Penalties: More than $600 in payments and fees
- Community Service: Up to 90 days
- Alcohol Education Classes: Attendance at IDRC classes, as needed according to treatment classification
Free Consultation with a Fairfield NJ DWI Lawyer
The experienced DWI defense lawyers at the Tormey Law Firm understand how important it is for you to keep your driver’s license. That’s why we will do everything possible to fight your DWI charges and help you win you case. Call us today at 201-654-3464, or fill out the online contact form to schedule an in-person consultation at our Newark office.